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Hydraulic Cylinder Repair

Specializing in hydraulic repair, sb沙巴体育投注BOB沙巴体育登录准备24小时为您维修液压缸, 365 days a year.

Keep your equipment powering forward with our industry-leading hydraulic cylinder repair services

Whether you’re working with an inefficient cylinder or recently experienced a catastrophic failure, find the solutions you need at Yates. We can diagnose, repair and test all sizes and applications of hydraulic systems to keep you at the forefront of your industry.

除了汽缸维修,我们还提供专家 hydraulic cylinder rebuild 维修和更换液压缸.


与损坏的液压缸有关的安全和效率问题有很多. Compare these signs and symptoms of a damaged hydraulic system to see if you need our hydraulic cylinder repair services for your equipment:

  • Compromised cylinder mountings
  • Leaking hydraulic fluid
  • 活塞、桶或其他部件破裂

Cylinder mounts need to be secure to prevent the pressure of your hydraulic system from separating the cylinder from your equipment. 管道或钢瓶泄漏通常是由密封破裂或连接件损坏引起的. Finally, cracks, rust or other structural damage to your cylinder need to be repaired immediately to prevent sudden failure.

并非所有汽缸问题都有警告信号. 突发故障需要紧急维修服务. Our team of skilled technicians can rapidly respond to your emergency situation to minimize downtime and prevent further damage to your industrial equipment.

hydraulic cylinder repair

Contact Yates Cylinders

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hydraulic cylinder rebuildThe best way to confirm if your machine leaks is to clean the cylinder with soap and water and inspect for anything abnormal. 你要检查枪管或枪杆是否有外部损坏, 哪个会撞击汽缸筒. 液压油泄漏的另一个迹象是在阴沟周围出现裂缝. 如果您发现任何外部损坏,请进行进一步调查. To do a more thorough inspection, 最好由专业人员将sb沙巴体育投注从外壳中拆下. 技术人员可以检查和测量所有直径,以确保它们正确对齐.


Often referred to as a cylinder bypass, various factors may cause a leaking hydraulic cylinder. These reasons include:

  • 磨损或过时的液压缸活塞密封.
  • sb沙巴体育投注部件内部损坏,包括密封件、活塞或sb沙巴体育投注筒.
  • 活塞螺母松动或液压油脏.
  • 金属颗粒渗入汽缸内部部件.

液压缸的泄漏也可能是由机器中心的鼓筒引起的, causing uneven distribution. This situation causes the oil to travel around the piston and fail to hold the load the stroke requires.

Can You Stop a Leaking Hydraulic Cylinder?

The best way to stop a hydraulic cylinder from leaking is to have a technician perform a seal replacement. However, a seal replacement is only an option if all other parts of the cylinder are in good working condition. Technicians can use OEM or aftermarket seals, which can be sourced from a variety of wholesalers. Generally, 技术人员需要将钢瓶从外壳中拆下, strip its mechanisms, 清洁部件并测量所有部件,以便重新组装.

作为一家领先的液压缸制造商, 我们了解和维修各种行业的所有品牌和型号的sb沙巴体育投注. 不要让一个专门的sb沙巴体育投注类型阻止您享受负担得起的和及时的维修. 我们的专家团队可以解决任何问题, 提供故障分析报告并提供快速维修服务. 如果你不能等待重建服务或需要广泛的维修和更换零件, 一个新的sb沙巴体育投注或更换液压缸可能是一个负担得起的选择.


在拆卸损坏的液压缸时,安全是首要考虑的问题. 首先,您需要检查单元并记下所有组件. Understanding the hydraulic system and if there are any stored energy sources present is vital to preventing injury. 储存的能量来源可能来自蓄能器或sb沙巴体育投注上的重物.

Second, 该装置必须隔离并适当分类, 所以它不会和附近的其他机器混在一起. 一旦你给设备贴上标签并确认没有储存能量, 拆卸连接sb沙巴体育投注和液压装置的两端. 在执行该步骤之前,请确保钢瓶没有加压. 检查一下锁头销,看能不能移动. 如果销太紧而无法移动,则可能仍有重物作用在sb沙巴体育投注上. You will need the assistance of an engineering specialist to remove the clevis pins if they are too tight to remove manually.

最后,确保你有合适的清洁设备来完成清除. 将钢瓶从外壳中取出可能是一项脏乱的工作,石油泄漏也很常见. 堵塞液压软管和端口,以限制漏油的风险. The cylinder can be removed from the housing once the ends and pins have been removed and stored.


Disassembling a cylinder is a complex process and is best left to a professional with specialized hydraulics experience. 但是,如果您经常使用钢瓶,了解所涉及的步骤是很重要的. 首先,您需要确定柱体类型. 有些sb沙巴体育投注很小,无需专门工具即可拆卸. Most cylinders, however, are large enough to require specialized equipment to separate the cylinder from the boom assembly. The piston nut also needs to be removed with controlled hydraulic pressure to ensure the safety of everyone on site.

你必须确保你有适当的设备来固定汽缸筒. 在加工过程中,还需要工具将压盖固定在sb沙巴体育投注筒上. 有时压盖BOB沙巴体育登录到汽缸上,需要用重型设备拆卸. 如果压盖BOB沙巴体育登录sb沙巴体育投注上,则机组可能无法经济地进行维修.  如果阀盖没有与设备熔接,则可以用扳手或套筒将其拆卸.

After the gland is removed, 该杆需要加强一个特定的工作台夹具,以安全地移除其他组件. 此时应拆下的主要元件是活塞螺母. Extra care must be taken to ensure no part of the cylinder is damaged during the removal process.


虽然你可能认为液压缸的维修是一件容易的事, but as with many projects, 如果你没有做好准备,事情很快就会变得复杂, expertise, or tools. At Yates Cylinders, 我们明白,危急时刻需要采取危急措施, so we want to provide guidance for our customers who want to try and address issues themselves before calling in the professionals.

下面的说明应该使您的液压缸重新投入生产. 通过执行这些建议的步骤,您应该能够阻止钢瓶泄漏. If not, remember that we are committed to serving you with 24/7 emergency service at all our locations.


适当的准备可以设置一个更容易和更快的液压缸重建. First, clean the unit. 一旦sb沙巴体育投注清洁,断开软管,并将端口和软管都牢牢地塞好. Now you can remove and clean the unit. 通过打开sb沙巴体育投注端口来排出液压油.
排完液压油后,应确定sb沙巴体育投注的类型. 最常见的是金属环或螺纹头sb沙巴体育投注. 现在,您可以组装工具来拆卸、修理和重新组装sb沙巴体育投注. 你需要下列一项或多项资料:

  • Cleaning rags
  • Compressed air
  • Emery cloth
  • Pliers
  • Petroleum-based solvent
  • Proper seal kit
  • Punch
  • Rubber mallet
  • Screwdriver
  • Torque wrench

Repairing a Wire Ring Cylinder

You’ll need to disassemble the wire ring cylinder by retracting the rod assembly ad removing the external steel wire ring. 清除sb沙巴体育投注盖周围积聚的污垢或油. Using your mallet or punch, push the head into the cylinder tube until you can see the internal groove and reach the internal wire ring. 使用密封组件上的塑料拆卸环, 将其插入内部凹槽,带羽毛的一端指向管子.

Hold one end of the ring tightly in the groove with a screwdriver while inserting the other end into the groove. Both tips should snap in fully and securely before attempting to remove the rod to prevent them from being caught between the head and tube. 你现在应该能够延长杆拉的头从管.

取出拆卸环以及锁紧螺母、活塞和封头. Clean with the solvent, 然后仔细检查零件是否有损坏,如毛刺的存在, scratches, or scuffs. Polish and smooth as needed. 现在你可以打开封条更换了.

Repairing a Threaded Head Cylinder

Begin your threaded head cylinder disassembly by loosening the set screw and the end cap and removing the piston, rod, and gland assemblies. 松开锁紧螺母,从连杆总成上拆卸活塞. 一旦活塞不挡路,拆下密封件并用溶剂清洗零件. 检查sb沙巴体育投注管、杆和活塞是否损坏,必要时进行抛光.

更换密封件并重新安装杆,然后用锁紧螺母将活塞固定在杆上. 用液压油润滑密封件和管内, then install the piston, gland, end cap, and rod. 在更换sb沙巴体育投注端盖之前,可以在螺纹上使用乐泰防卡扣. 最后,拧紧sb沙巴体育投注,将螺丝调到合适的扭矩.

After Cylinder Repair

After the repair, 您应该能够通过检查损坏的类型来诊断问题的原因. 这一步对于避免重复重建和修复过程至关重要. Our experienced technicians can help you to identify signs of problems and address the source of the problem.

Types of Cylinders We Repair

Tie-Rod Units Cylinders

拉杆sb沙巴体育投注是美国最常见的sb沙巴体育投注之一.S. They are held together by several threaded tie bolts that secure two end caps to the unit’s barrel. 螺栓还将底板和缸盖固定在sb沙巴体育投注管上. 拉杆sb沙巴体育投注通常配备密封装置以防止泄漏. 这些单元有小口径和大口径迭代. 小口径装置有四个杆,而较大的装置可以有20个或更多的杆. sb沙巴体育投注执行液压缸更换小缸径和大缸径拉杆缸. 这些单位是相对容易拆卸服务,维修或定制.

Welded Cylinders

BOB沙巴体育登录汽缸与端盖BOB沙巴体育登录到机器的桶. 其他组件,包括支架,都BOB沙巴体育登录在盖子上. 虽然这些设计坚固可靠,但它们不容易拆卸和维修. 如果你的BOB沙巴体育登录sb沙巴体育投注需要修理,你可能需要购买一个新的单位. Yates can help you decided the best course of action for your welded hydraulic cylinder rebuild process.

Mill-Duty Cylinders

铣削sb沙巴体育投注用于各种重型应用, including construction, manufacturing and aeronautics. 铣削单位配备了坚固的壁管, 镀铬杆和高负荷活塞,以适应重负荷. 虽然这些装置是为恶劣环境而建造的,但它们有时需要维修. sb沙巴体育投注提供各种尺寸的液压缸更换服务.

Single-Acting Hydraulic Cylinders

单作用sb沙巴体育投注用于需要推力或拉力的应用中. 因此,该机组的液压油只在活塞杆的一侧工作. The other force is typically produced by the weight of the load and pulls the cylinder in the opposite direction.  由于设计简单,许多企业使用单作用sb沙巴体育投注. Maintenance is a simple task and Yates can repair and replace most single-acting cylinders quickly and efficiently.

Double-Acting Hydraulic Cylinders

Construction companies commonly utilize double hydraulic cylinders because they are easier to control than single-acting units. 大量的加压流体在活塞的长度上持续运动, 允许操作员快速实现所需的运动. Yates为双作用装置提供液压缸维修和更换服务.

Custom Cylinders

Yates employs a team of engineers and designers who are experienced in rebuilding and repairing custom hydraulic cylinders. 无论您是定制液压缸还是气动缸,我们都可以为您提供帮助. 我们提供各种sb沙巴体育投注,包括单作用sb沙巴体育投注, double-acting, mill-duty, small-bore and more.

Our Engineering Expertise

Our hydraulic cylinder rebuild and repair services harness the latest CAD technology to provide sophisticated answers to your hydraulic questions or issues. A custom system requires custom solutions, 因此,我们的工程团队可以设计出您需要的精确的替换部件. Our in-house fabrication team will create the custom components necessary to keep your facility operational with minimal downtime.

我们的工程服务的一个关键组成部分是我们的测试过程. We use test stands with up to 10,000 PSI的能力和测压元件可以运行高达250 PSI,000 pounds of force. We also use cycle testing to ensure any new or rebuilt components are ready for the demands of your company.

Machining New Components

作为我们全方位sb沙巴体育投注维修服务的一部分, 我们提供一系列定制组件和加工能力. 我们拥有制造长达27英尺,直径65英寸的组件的BOB沙巴体育登录. 我们甚至可以修复和重建最庞大的液压系统. 以下是我们机加工部门使用的一些设备,以满足您的需求:

  • CNC machines
  • OD grinders
  • Radial arm drills
  • Boring mills
  • Manual lathes

如果您不需要定制的组件为您的液压维修, 我们将在大量的零件和设备库存中寻找现成的替代品. Installing finished goods in your hydraulic system reduces the cost and time of a cylinder repair service.

Hydraulic Cylinder Rebuild

今天sb沙巴体育投注,了解更多关于我们的专家维修服务. 没有必要继续与泄漏作斗争, inefficient cylinder, when you can update your equipment and keep your company operating efficiently with emergency repairs and preventative maintenance from Yates Cylinders.

Emergency Line:
(800) 340-6024
Yates Michigan:
(586) 778-7680
Yates Alabama:
(256) 351-8081
Yates Georgia:
(678) 355-2240
Yates Ohio:
(513) 217-6777